
Gifted: Our Terk TV55 Antenna goes home!

If you’ve taken a minute to check out our Bargain Cave you know all about the amazing deals that we have in regards to discounted open box goods that are available to our privileged Facebook fans.  If you haven’t taken a look at these products, check them out by liking our Facebook Page here.

We got a chance to catch up with Del Gillogly who was the lucky recipient of the Terk TV55 Indoor/Outdoor Antenna.  His daughter surprised him with this under the tree on Christmas Morning!

Here’s Del with his newly gifted Antenna!

Del was able to sync up the channels to the antenna with ease.

Del found the set up fairly easy but realized it was best when set up closest to a window or even an attic space.


Del shared his review of the Terk TV55 below:

“This antenna is designed to be mounted indoors or outdoors.  It is best to experiment with placement before mounting it.  Try different locations to find where you receive the clearest picture on your TV.  Pick a channel that appears weak compared to others.  Then find the antenna location which gives the best picture.  A good mounting location would be inside an attic or near the top of your roof indoors.  I recommend not drilling holes through walls for outdoor mounting if possible.”

The Terk TV55 is engineered to provide optimal reception of both digital and analog over-the-air TV broadcasts. A unique helical-coil reception element gives this compact unit the power of a larger antenna. An impedance-matched amplifier precisely calibrated for digital TV provides a clear, consistent picture at all times

“The TV 55 antenna produced picture quality that is equal to and in some cases better than what you will see with commercial cable providers. The TV signal you receive over the air is a higher quality signal than is possible with cable.  Cable TV providers compress their signals to squeeze as many channels as they can into the cable for unscrambling by the box.
Overall I consider this antenna a very good value, especially if you do not want to pay for cable TV.”

– Del Gillogly

Many thanks to Del for his review.  We hope he continues to enjoy his gift.

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